Monday, September 7, 2009

English HW 9/8

Thinking about your past writing experience.
1. My last fairly complicated writing assignment was given to me in high school during my senior year by my English teacher Mrs. Hendrix. It was a research paper to be written about John Milton's Paradise Lost. This paper took almost a full month to prepare, edit, and get my final draft.
2. The steps I went through to prepare my paper were to research about John Milton's life and research about the book itself. Many famous writers have written books dedicated to explaining the meaning of Paradise Lost, so it was not too difficult to find plenty of quotes for the required amount we had to find that was relevant to our material. My purpose for writing the essay was that it was assigned to me and I assumed that the teacher knew much about John Milton and Paradise Lost as she had been giving out this assignment and teaching on his material for some years before I came to be in her class.
1. split, lose, paused, considered, vanished, rounding, trailed, picked, follow, chased, smashed, entered, ran, coming, ran, wound, chased, chased, glanced, choking, strained, trained, fling, point, aim, dive, forget, go, chasing, impelled, compelled, follow, tore, running, improvising, running, choosing, failing, slow, discovering, exhilarated, dismayed, save, losing, chased, caught, caught, stopped.
2. paused, considered, vanished, rounding, trailed, picked, chased, smashed, entered, coming, chased, chased, glanced, choking, strained, trained, chasing, impelled, compelled, running, improvising, running, choosing, failing, discovering, exhilarated, dismayed, losing, chased, stopped.
3. We smashed through a gap in another hedge, entered a scruffy backyard and ran around its back porch and tight between houses to Edgerton Avenue; we ran across Edgerton to an alley and up our own sliding woodpile to the Hall's front yard; he kept coming.
Mikey and I had nowhere to go, in our own neighborhood or out of it, but away from this man who was chasing us.
pg. 24
1. city clothes, suit and tie, street shoes, thin man, all action, twenties, sainted, skinny, furious, red head.
2. perfunctorily, ordinary Pittsburgh accent, normal righteous anger, usual common sense.
3. A tired, thin, red headed man in his twenties running through back yards in his street shoes to catch two young kids. He was the driving force of the plot.
pg. 25
1. She used perfect snow and made into a perfect sphere so that no snow remained but it was all ice.
2. The cars are compared to targets wrapped in red ribbons. I think this shows how easy it was to hit their targets, which were the cars. It also shows experience, they all had the experience of throwing snow balls and were all good enough at it that they could not miss.
1. perfunctorily, chewing out, redundant, mere-formality, beside the point, glory, prolong the drama, cap its glory, brooded, dismembered, staked, spirit of fun, chew us out, exalting pursuit, righteous anger, usual common sense, sainted.
2. passionately, trapped, brooded, drama, spirit of fun, her describing of his accent shows that she can remember the event very well.

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