Monday, September 28, 2009

Music in Iraq

I listened to the podcast on our main blog and found the facts very interesting. Music has become a bigger part of our world than we may realize. Soldiers in Iraq listen to hard rock, rap, and metal, to get psyched up for combat. Combat is very stressful and it helps the soldiers to be emotionally and physically unattached from themselves. They no longer worry about themselves as they step outside of their normal mindset, this helps keep soldiers working. As combat gets more intense, the troops get more stressed, and listening to music prepares them for the intensity of the combat. Music can also be used to calm somebody after a stressful time. I just thought this was very interesting because I see athletes getting pumped for games by listening to loud music, and I have done this myself before soccer games. It all helps prepare you for what is coming up.


  1. I think the same thing. Music can change how you feel. Also your mood can determine the type of music you listen to. People may not realize it but they do listen to music based on their mood.

  2. We are influenced by music on an unconscious level. Music definitely provides an escape from something that could possibly be on our minds or going on around us.
