Monday, November 16, 2009


Why do so many people watch soap operas? Do they not get enough drama in their lives as it is? I know I have plenty of drama to last me a long time at Malco. Nothing stays a secret at Malco Theaters. There is always something going on that creates tension and turmoil. I could not handle watching anything that is based purely off of ridiculous drama like the soap operas do. It just seems so stupid, but I guess that is what women live off of, drama and gossip.


  1. first question... What is there to be dramatic about at Malco.
    Second question... Why don't you tell them to shut the hell up because its stupid and annoying.

    I know women like to gossip but I have known some men that enjoy it well. I do not understand why people like to do it. I think that they just don't have anything else to talk about.

  2. I got sooo sick of drama during high school. In college i dont want to have to deal with it anymore. All it does is stress you out and screw with your life.

  3. I know what you mean. I have had enough drama in the past two months to last me a lifetime.
    I just do not understand why people like to cause all this drama and on top of all of that it can affect how you think.
