Monday, November 9, 2009

Spring Semester 2010

My spring semester is going to be packed. I am taking Gen Chem 2, Gen Chem 2 lab honors, Bio 1, bio 1 lab, elementary calculus, elementary german 2, and English, it is going to be very harsh. Seventeen hours isn't my idea of a relaxing semester, but I need to get some Gen Eds out of the way before I start getting into specialized classes. I am not terribly excited about having two science labs in the same semester, but I am sure that I will make it. Is anyone doing the same thing as me? I sure hope I get easy teachers for all of my classes, but that is probably not going to happen. Oh well, that's college for you.


  1. Dude, that sounds like a tough schedule. I feel for you next semester. But when your done with it all I'm sure it will have been worth it because you will have a lot of tough classes out of the way.

  2. Yikes! 17 hours is nuts. You can do it, though. And at least you won't have to "break in" a new English prof, right?

  3. I am taking two labs too. It is not going to be fun at all. However instead of German you should take some Russian! Even if it won't help you in your career.

  4. I understand what you are talking about, but still are you serious 17 hours. Man you will be pack next semester. I will be having two labs also. I have already taken Elementary Calculus so I will not be taken it next semester. Elementry Calculus is not that hard it is pretty straight forward. Getting rid of all the General Education faster will leave you more time to study more in your field of interest. Good luck to you Bobby.

  5. that sounds about like mine but without the honors. I also have the whole basketball season that I have to do for band so a lot of my time will go to that.

  6. You schedule sound like mine but I'm not taking honors, and not taking a foreign language. I think it will be a bit challenging for me next semester.
