Monday, November 23, 2009


Thanksgiving is approaching quickly, a little too quickly it seems. The days have been flying by as it gets closer to the end of my first semester as a freshman at the University of Memphis. It seems like it was only yesterday that I walked into my first class as a college freshman, now that I am used to it, it is not that scary. I only hope that all the papers that are due near the end of the semester do not cause me any problems. There is also the outside events due in UNHP and English. I have yet to do 3 outside events in English, 2 of which have to be authors, and the 2 outside events about globalization is UNHP. I'm sure I will get through the exams and papers ok.


  1. This semester has flown by. I feel like we just walked in the door too. The outside events are killing me. I have so much to do. I work and go to school. I have no life and no extra time. I don't know how I'm going to find some time, especially since I commute.

  2. I'm worried about everything also. It seems to have crept up on me. The semester flew by and now we are left with tons of crap in a little over two weeks. ah!

  3. Oh man im screwed about the outside events too. I already haven't been doin so hot in that class so i hope i can get those done. It will suck if thats what gets me in the end.

  4. I am extremely worried too. I have only done one outside event for english and that is because every time an event came up I had something to do for band. I am also worried about the exams and the papers as well.
